Next Chapter Line Editing Services

Congratulations! You’ve written a book! A few friends have read it and offered feedback and you’ve rewritten accordingly. You’ve gone over it with a fine tooth comb and now you want to know…what’s next?

Now it’s time to ask yourself if you need a line editor. Are you certain every word is spelled correctly? Did you mix up any words? Are you certain all your commas are in the right spots? Do you repeat any words and phrases?

What is Next Chapter Line Editing?

What I do



My goal is to provide you with a polished manuscript that you can self-publish or send to an agent or publisher. It is essential that you have done the developmental editing and rewriting that is necessary before you send the manuscript to me for line editing.

Besides looking for obvious grammatical errors, typos, and mixed-up words, I will:

  1. Look for repeated words and phrases.
  2. Help eliminate overused words.
  3. Examine use of cursing and let you know if it’s overdone.
  4. Check dialog and dialog tags, making suggestions for changes.
  5. Fix tense switches.
  6. Suggest simplifications for overcomplicated sentences and descriptions.
  7. Look for formatting errors within the manuscript.
  8. Look for small inconsistencies.

I require a 50% deposit and up to two weeks for a thorough review of your book. I will schedule your edit and let you know when it will begin and when I expect to have it completed.

$200 for first 60,000 words

+$50 for each additional 10,000 words

Please be aware that line editing is the last step in editing. I am not a developmental editor, a critic, or a beta reader. A line edit is not beneficial if your story isn’t complete or needs major rewriting. If I feel your manuscript is not ready for a line edit, I will return half your deposit along with all notes I have taken and recommendations about what I feel your next step should be.

“I recently had the great pleasure of using Michelle’s editing service for my next novel, Pinnacle Point. What can I say? To quote my favorite author, New York Times best-selling author, Nelson DeMille, who in an article (paraphrased) said he was a terrible speller, and no good at grammar or punctuation, credited his editor as being responsible for his phenomenal success by making him the great writer he is today. When it comes to what Michelle has done for me, I really can’t add to that. All I can say is the exact same thing.” 

Author, Deforest Shields

Michelle Garren-Flye

I’ve been writing and editing since I was seven years old. When I went to college, I vowed to make it pay off with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, followed by a degree in Library and Information Sciences, but life got in the way. Three kids and twenty-four published books later, I feel like I know a bit about publishing, editing, and writing. I love making books the best they can be. I love helping other writers accomplish their goals. I started The Next Chapter Literary Magazine, which I edit, publish, and sell at my store to help accomplish these goals. My decision to take the plunge into professional editing was made because I see a demand everyday for affordable, dependable editing services for independent authors.

Email all queries to with the subject line “Editing” and your name.